Drama Club 2024

Qty in Stock: 40
Student (LAST Name, First Name): Information
(Max 25 Characters)
Home Room:
Cast or Crew?:
T-shirt size: Information



$75 Cast members (t-shirt, costume & script)

$25 Crew members (t-shirt)

The middle school drama fee includes a cast/crew t-shirt, cast party, a costume for cast members, and materials for the show.

For any additional information, please contact Mrs. Stinchcomb: mstinchcomb@stjohnsp.org or Mrs. White at cwhite@stjohnsp.org

Club Expectations:

  1. Attendance at all performances without exception.
  2. Attendence for entire Tech Week.
  3. Memorization of script on your own prior to the first rehearsal in January.
  4. Maintain grades of a "C" or higher.
  5. Exemplify the Code of Conduct in the St. John Student Handbook.

Register here and see the Drama Club Weebly page for more information.








inv. 100



Welcome guest,

